My First Game

My First Game

uber simulator

My first game is Uber Driver Simulator.Uber Driver Simulator is a kind of casusal game. Everything seemed very complex, when i started this project. Firstly, one of my best friends Alp draw some cars for the game. This project made with unity. I wrote some codes for driving part. Cars were stucking an obstacle when they went full speed. But actually there were no obstacles on the road. Unity mesh collider rendering system had an issue. Wheels did not look round shaped. They were rendering like stone age wheels for collider rendering system. Vehicles crashed due to friction. But I solved the problem with wheel collider. 

Of course the wheels were not the only problem. I encountered many problems while using the wheel collider. For example, the weight of your car is very important when using the wheel collector, if it is not heavy enough, your vehicle will start jumping. you can't even understand what it is. In fact, if you cannot see your vehicle on the screen after adding a wheel collider, understand that your vehicle has already jumped. wheel collider has a center. you need to adjust the center to your wheel. There will be parts that hold your wheel collider. so you have to make sure that the weight on it is properly placed. When using the wheel collider, you also need to set a weight on your wheels. To give you a tip, if your rear wheels are wider than the front wheels, your vehicle will roll over while turning. In fact, anyone who knows physics knows this, but I still wanted to remind you. Because when we play, they sometimes aren't in our minds, or because we are in the middle of many mistakes, they may not come to our mind.

If we don't talk about Center of mass, wheel collider vehicles can cause huge trouble for you. For instance, your vehicle may not take off or it may be as if it crashed to the ground. Center of mass is the area where power is applied, just as said. For example, if you plan to build a front-wheel drive vehicle, your center of mass should be close to the front. If you make a center of mass very close to the ground, your vehicle will have difficulty starting off. You can see it as if it was stating. So it is very important where you put the center of mass.

This text will be unity guide for newbies. You can ask anything you want at the comment line below.
